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Setting GM via OSC (command line from Linux)

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 1:17 pm
by Codeman
Hi @ll,

I searched the forum (and the web) for an answer for my problem but found nothing. So I try to ask here:

I need to control the "General Master" fader from Linux command line. I thaught it would be a good way to generate a OSC call to localhost port 7700 (universe 1). I intstalled the package "liblo-utils" which contains a simple "send_osc" command. Then I setup the "universe 1 - Input" to "OSC 1:" (port 7700). Also I created a simple OSC-profile with the wizard (starting wizard, lanching "send_osc 7700 /GM 0" in the command line and stopping the wizard). Afterwards I changed the recognized "Button" to "Slider". In the "Virtual Console" I created a fader and added as external control the just created channel from the OSC profile generation. Yes - this works! Great!

But how can I connect an OSC control to the GM? Perhaps this can't be done? What's the best solution for my problem?

Thanks a lot - esprecially for this great piece of software!

Regards, Holger

Re: Setting GM via OSC (command line from Linux)

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 1:23 pm
by janosvitok
You can set external control for GM in Virtual Console settings, click this icon: Image in VC toolbar.

Re: Setting GM via OSC (command line from Linux)

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 1:53 pm
by Codeman
Thanks a lot!!!

I never thought that this would be so easy!!!

Regards, Holger