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OSC Input - Via UDP
Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:06 pm
by budblinkin
Hi all,
I am (still) attempting to control my Raspberry Pi Qlight system from our in house RTI automation panel. I've tried the websocket system, it didn't work as I would have hoped. I think it is a driver issue with the RTI panel.
Anyhow on Plugz advice, I have been trying to work the OSC input commands. I can succesfully operate the interface via TouchOSC and the commands that come with it, however, when I try and emulate this via a UDP connection (opened over netcat), it doesn't work.
I am sending the exact string that I receive from the TouchOSC interface (I checked it via an netcat listen session). Anyone have any ideas?
I am sending /multi/0, and /multi/0,i (which is what TouchOSC sends) i've tried adding '127' to the end. The button is definitely mapped to that input (I used the wizard).
Apologies if I am asking a question that has already been answered, I've been looking through the forums for an answer and couldn't find anything.
Best wishes.
Re: OSC Input - Via UDP
Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:46 pm
by plugz
I think you don't see everything with a netcat listener because OSC data is an ACSII/Binary mix.
Listen with
, you will see the whole data.
Re: OSC Input - Via UDP
Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 7:05 pm
by budblinkin
Hi Plugz,
Thank you for the advice! I will certainly look into this tomorrow and report back. I was starting to get quite frustrated!
Best wishes,
Re: OSC Input - Via UDP
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 8:03 am
by plugz
This works for me to send a zero value:
Code: Select all
printf '/blip/blop/0,i\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' | nc -u localhost 7701
And this sends a 255 value:
Code: Select all
printf '/blip/blop/0,i\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff' | nc -u localhost 7701
Re: OSC Input - Via UDP
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:18 pm
by budblinkin
Ok I am still struggling, (thanks for you advice again),
So I have ran so many tests, using OSC tester etc, it seems that when I send a ',' (comma) via Netcat, it doesn't actually see the packet.
So I should be able to send exactly what the OSC tester sends, i've checked it in Cocoa packet analyser,
They both come up as the same HEX code on the packet analysis, but for some reason when sent from Netcat, OSC on QLC+ doesn't receive the packet.
Any clues?
Re: OSC Input - Via UDP
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:15 pm
by plugz
budblinkin wrote:So I have ran so many tests, using OSC tester etc, it seems that when I send a ',' (comma) via Netcat, it doesn't actually see the packet.
How do you send a ',' via netcat ?
What does not see the packet ? What makes you think "it" does not see the packet ?
budblinkin wrote:So I should be able to send exactly what the OSC tester sends, i've checked it in Cocoa packet analyser,
Could I see the hex values please ?
budblinkin wrote:They both come up as the same HEX code on the packet analysis, but for some reason when sent from Netcat, OSC on QLC+ doesn't receive the packet.
Can you please tell the EXACT shell command you wrote that does not work ?
Re: OSC Input - Via UDP
Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:12 am
by budblinkin
Hi Plugz, sorry for the delayed response, I have been away the last couple of days so unable to check my notes. I will get this information to you asap.
Thanks for all your help.
Re: OSC Input - Via UDP
Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 2:39 pm
by joky
I use this command:
echo -e "/1/push1\0,i\0\0\0\x00\x00\xFF" | nc -u 7700
7700 is the default port where QLC+ is listening for messages for universe 1 (7701 = Universe 2, ..).
Re: OSC Input - Via UDP
Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 3:20 pm
by budblinkin
Ok ,
So through netcat I was initially sending
this didn't work obviously.
when Capturing the packets, it was apparent there was a lot more data going,
(I think) /multi/0/,i was actually /multi/0....,i.....
Which again, didn't work.
I realise from plugz and joky's posts above that I am supposed to send (from netcat) the data as a hex numbers with \ separating the values. However, I was also sending the data direct from netcat, without the echo command, why do I need to use the 'echo' command? So essentially I was sending my two strings above, directly over netcat. But it didn't work. The command would look like
nc -u 7700
(enter to open connection)
What I should have sent (not tested yet) was
/multi/0\0,i\0\0\0\x00\x00\x7F ?
When connecting to my RTI control panel, I encoded my second stream above as 'URL' and this has since worked succesfully, I know have control from the wall panel, but not yet from netcat.
Best wishes,
Re: OSC Input - Via UDP
Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:12 pm
by joky
you have to send some 0x00 (NULL), without "echo -e" (or printf) you can't send this char.