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Adding options for gradiant and others to virtual desk

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 3:46 am
by VeryImportantParty
How would this be implemented? It seems like this should be easy to add these options into the virtual desktop. Or be able to blend through more then 2 colors and set steps while live.

Re: Adding options for gradiant and others to virtual desk

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 8:32 am
by plugz
The only way is to create several preset button, each with different parameters.
But you can't change these parameters live.

It could be possible to implement buttons for each parameter, but not easy, no.

Re: Adding options for gradiant and others to virtual desk

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 3:40 am
by VeryImportantParty
I think it would be relatively easy to implement. Yiu can change the values in the rgb matrix while live and they are immediately updated. Preset buttons are one option but I like and would want that ability to expand these in future versions. The backend capabilities of qlc for rgb matrix programming could be the future of lighting control.