Building QLC+ from source

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Posts: 306
Joined: Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:18 am
Real Name: Robert Box

This weekend I managed to build QLC+ from source on my Ubuntu machine. Very easy with the instructions and having installed everything needed before hand :) .

Windows 7 however...

I don't want to be too specific about my issues (path names, different versions of MinGW, Qt and MSYS all putting stuff in different places, 32 vs 64-bit versions etc etc), but I do actually get the make commands to run now which produce not so helpful output like 'Error 2' after a short while building.

Would it be possible to produce an updated idiot/instruction guide for the Windows builds? I don't know why

g++.exe: error: /LIBPATH:C:/Qt/Qt5.5.1/5.5/msvc2013_64/lib: Invalid argument


Makefile.Debug:81: recipe for target 'test.exe' failed.

If there is a clean, simple make method I can then properly break it by playing with the code (which I don't mind :D ).

Many thanks.
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The Windows build instructions are updated, but they have to be followed very carefully.
If you use the wrong shell you can get weird compiler errors.

I hope you followed the Qt5 instructions though. Qt4 on Windows is no more supported

As for debug/release: use release mode ! I think I have never tried to build a debug version on Windows.
Posts: 306
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Real Name: Robert Box


I have Qt 5.5 installed at the moment. Indeed, most of the tutorials and documentation for that are obsolete now as things keep changing slightly.

I'm always wary of the 32/64 bits differences too (this is a Thinkpad mobile workstation i5).

Will try very soon...
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Qt5 comes from MSYS. Do not install the official Qt package. It's not binary compatible.

As written in the wiki

Code: Select all

pacman -S mingw32/mingw-w64-i686-qt5
is the one downloading Qt5 for you.
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