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Artnet input from madmapper

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 10:28 pm
by filipek.o
Hey guys this is my problem i want to pass signal from madmapper ( madlight ) thru artnet to qlc+ and qlc+ output on midi cc so it pass signal to my dmxis. As i have setup qlc+ to recive artnet on input section ( it is showing number of packed recived), i still don't know how to pass all 1 universe of dmx data straight to output is there any way to do it ( or somehow manually mapped) Thank you for any help and input in this topic

Re: Artnet input from madmapper

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 10:51 pm
by janosvitok
1:1 mapping:
1. check "Passthrough" on the universe in Input/Output tab
2. select artnet as input (right pane)
3. select MIDI as output
4. select CC in MIDI plugin settings

Now artnet input will be mapped 1:1 to MIDI CC (i.e. channel1 -> MIDI CC #1, channel 2 -> MIDI CC #2)

If you need remapping:
1. set artnet as input to universe 1
2. set MIDI as output of universe 2
3. patch as dimmer channels to universe 2 to channels that correspond to used CCs (e.g. you need CC #13 - patch generic dimmer channel at channel 13)
4. create VC sliders for each artnet incoming channel. Set external input to respective artnet input. Set the slider to level mode. Select desired Universe 2 channels.
If needed set the slider to reverse mode.
5. start operate mode

If you need even more remapping: Check loopback plugin.

Re: Artnet input from madmapper

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 11:48 pm
by filipek.o
thank you it works, but i have two cases,
1. i did as you have sad in first method and slider are jumping but imidietly are going back to 0 position, so it looks like they recive signal for just short moment and they are going back on 0. This method would be best for me so really appriciate any help:) thank you!

Re: Artnet input from madmapper

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 7:37 pm
by janosvitok

I don't understand. My first method doesn't use sliders. Please attach your workspace, and step by step recipe how to reproduce your problem.
I don't have madmapper, so please write also what artnet channels/universe and what values does the madmapper send (I will simulate it with a generic artnet source).

Re: Artnet input from madmapper

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:28 am
by filipek.o
hey thank you for help here is simple screencast of what is happening, as you can see when i have no fixtures it is working perfectly but when i add fixtures into qlc+ it is sending message imidietly goes down to value 0. Thank you for help!

Re: Artnet input from madmapper

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 9:55 am
by shortylight

that works as designed! If you use fixtures within a universe where passthrough is active, all channels which are bound to a fixture are blocked for the external input.

Regards Martin

Re: Artnet input from madmapper

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 10:00 am
by janosvitok
You didn't tell us about any fixtures in QLC+. You said you want convert artnet from madmapper to midi CC output.

What's the plan with the RGB fixtures?

If they are totally separate from madmapper, use a different universe.

If you want to control the same set of fixtures from madmapper AND QLC+ alternatively, use method 2 and create sliders for 1:1 mapping.
Alternatively, use a recent git build, where I changed passthrough to use HTP merging, keep the values. The values can also be seen in the DMX monitor now,
and are independent of QLC+ grand master and channel modifiers.

Re: Artnet input from madmapper

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 10:18 am
by shortylight
@ janosvitok

Hi, thank you for that information, I will check the git version tonight! It will help a lot with theatrical use of QLC+

Regards Martin

Re: Artnet input from madmapper

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 7:26 am
by filipek.o
Thank you guys for all help i did vc sliders and they works great! this is a short test from yesterday i finally got a chance to see it in venue.

My last question is how can i make a stable routing beetwen two sofwares using artnet. Coz now on mac it works perfect but i need to use on windows and then it is not stable (qlc+ stops reciving artnet, and then i have to in input/output panel i need to untick artnet input, and tick again) i have read somewhere that artnet signal can easily overload network. Now i wasnt using any ethernet cable to router ( both sotwares are runing on the same computer) is there any other way for internal routing of artnet? i have read something about ip adresses like can you guys help me?:)

Ps:This is my video of setup
Thank you!