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White only RGB matrix

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 1:11 pm
by ninjasam
I have a matrix blinder 5x5 not RGB (only white)
It seems some RGBmatrix animation works well with it (e.q. strip), except 2 things :
- The fading effect on each head do not work (e.g. Waves appear like 3 plain column of full lighting)
- When trying to convert to sequence, the sequence is well generated but each step correspond to full lighted matrix

You can have a look on the sample file.

Re: White only RGB matrix

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:13 pm
by Craounch
I think the bug comes from the fact that your channels are intensity channels and not RGB channels. As you chose to control the intensity in the matrix function, the channel will be set to 255 until there is no more color. The tail is set by playing with RGB channel, while the intensity channel sticks to 255.
After the exportation into a sequence, this property remains and you still control the intensity channels.

If you want to have a tail effect, I would suggest you to set the tail length to 0 and to use the fade time of the function instead. I did it for you :
bug matrix.qxw
(16.59 KiB) Downloaded 44 times

Re: White only RGB matrix

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 1:22 pm
by ninjasam
Thank you for your answer and your file.
Seems possible now to create animation for B&W matrix