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Request: revert with live edit function?

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 8:35 am
by giacomo
maybe it's already possible and I'm missing how do to it:
I've been rehearsing the last 2 days and it would helps "a lot" to have the possibility to revert the changes made while in live edit mode.
During a live edit often a director asks to watch again the original state and right now it's a very long and tiring process to remember and select again all the values.
(think about a medium setup of about 40/60 fixtures)
And because I'm tired after a setup, it happens easily that I touch the wrong channel group slider so in a shot I got a full row of fixture modified.
It would really help the chance to revert a mistake.
Have a good Sunday

Re: Request: revert with live edit function?

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:59 am
by mcallegari
This is basically the "undo" functionality, and I'm afraid it won't see the light until QLC+ 5