Toggle Virtual Console Live Edit Problem with Cue List

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I've found this issue with Cue Lists when the left fader is not full rised: when the Virtual Console Live Edit is activated the scene levels jump to full (to be precise to the function recorded levels), it happens with both dmx and audio levels.
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Giacomo, a few changes have been made to the crossfaders on GIT.
Please build from sources and report if what you see has already been fixed.
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same issue with qlcplus-qt5-git
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I have tested several configurations and can't reproduce this issue, could you share a sample workspace demonstrating the issue ?

Also, are you talking about the Virtual Console Live Edit button, or the Function Live Edit button ?

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linux 64 qlcplus 4.10.1 qt5

_ cue list 8 > play the first cue "Audience in"
_ toggle the crossfade sliders in cue list 8 and set slider 1 @ 50% (or whatever)
_ open the Monitor to check the output...

_ case 1: toggle "Virtual Console Live Edit" and the output jumps to the real level of the recorded function.
_ case 2 / from another post but same effect: move the slider in SubMaster mode (it's one on the side of Cue List 4) and the output jumps to full level again.
same result for music, see cue list 1 and 2 in my show.
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OK thank you, I see what the issue is now.

I'm working on a fix right now.
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Now fixed in git.
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hello, sadly it's still happening in 4.10.2 and 4.10.2b, both qt5 version, linux 64.
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I've tested with your workspace.
giacomo wrote:_ case 1: toggle "Virtual Console Live Edit" and the output jumps to the real level of the recorded function.
This does not happen anymore.
giacomo wrote: _ case 2 / from another post but same effect: move the slider in SubMaster mode (it's one on the side of Cue List 4) and the output jumps to full level again.
same result for music, see cue list 1 and 2 in my show.
This does not happen either.

giacomo wrote: hello, sadly it's still happening in 4.10.2 and 4.10.2b, both qt5 version, linux 64.
What is still happening ?
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hi plugz,
I've the same issues with a new show but I tried again the file I posted here and I get the same problems on my machine, for light and sound.
qlcplus 10.4.2 and 10.4.2b, qt5, linux 64
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giacomo wrote:qlcplus 10.4.2 and 10.4.2b
How do you test both 4.10.2 and 4.10.2b ? Are you sure you're testing the correct version ? In QLC+, what does the ABOUT page say ?
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it says 10.4.2
I've built with the script from aur-archlinux and I downloaded the source 10.4.2b, yesterday I've tested the build from opensuse too.
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giacomo wrote:it says 10.4.2
If it says 10.4.2, it's not QLC+. It should say 4.10.2.

Are you talking about the issue you describe here: ?

Because this issue is not the same as the one described in the current topic.
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hey plugz, I'm trying to collaborate and yes I'm speaking about the issues raised in this topic, they still happen to me.
I've been 12 hours inside a theatre the last 2 days and sorry if this morning I wrote 10.4.2.
How do you test both 4.10.2 and 4.10.2b ?
because if you download from opensuse it says 4.10.2 ... lcplus-qt5

maybe you don't trust me but I can confirm that it's not nice to be during a rehearsal with the artists and get all the cue lists at full.
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Don't take it personally :)

As I can't reproduce the issue, I fail to identify what's wrong.

Attached is a gif recorded from a QLC+ built with the latests sources.
This is the workspace you uploaded here.

The step1 of cuelist "8" is running.

Z-House #1 is at 107.

I pull the left fader down to 54%.

Z-House #1 is at 48.

Then I pull the SubMaster fader.

Z-House #1 does not jump back to 107. Before the bugfix, it would have jumped back to 107 when pulling the SubMaster fader.

So, one last confirmation: When you do EXACTLY these steps, does Z-House #1 jump to 107 ?
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