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Changing an existing matrix universe and string count

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 6:31 am
by Krsound
Why is the properties greyed for a rgb matrix. I changed the number of strings per universe for power consumption but I can't change it in qlc. I am using pixlight 16 for the spi and have change its settings

Re: Changing an existing matrix universe and string count

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 8:38 am
by OddSocks

Could you give us a few more details, like what you have changed from and changed to.

I believe that the RGB matrix will always try and map the pixels to as many channels in one universe then will wrap to the next. There is no control of how many pixels in each universe, it will always use 170.

Now I have been looking at getting a Pixlite 16 and believed that it did the same but you could configure how many pixels were on each output. It still tries to fully populate one universe before using the next.

Re: Changing an existing matrix universe and string count

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 10:28 am
by Krsound
I have a matrix that is 25 strands of 20 pixels per strand, yes qlc is filling up each universe full so universe 5-7 has 8 rows and universe 8 has one. I change it to 6 strands per unverise and the last will have 7 with a 12v injection every 3

Re: Changing an existing matrix universe and string count

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 1:30 pm
by Krsound
Also another issue is I have columns not rows, I have pixel one top left then pixel 20 is down loop to the right pixel 21 up to pixel 40 and so on

Re: Changing an existing matrix universe and string count

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 2:25 pm
by OddSocks

You are right QLC+ only does horizontal matrix layout at the moment not vertical, I might have a look at this and see if it is within my understanding to add that as an option ;-)

Have you used the advanced configuration of the Pixlite to force the number of pixels on each output and the start universe and channel? If so why not use it to start output 1 at universe 5 channel 1 and just set the number of pixels for that to 120, and do the same for the next t outputs 2 & 3 and set output 4 to 140 pixels. This will then map the pixels continuously from universe 1 channel 1 - universe 8 channel 60, the same as QLC+. You will have to set up QLC+ to 20 columns and 25 rows at the moment due to the lack of vertical numbering.

P.s. I may have found a work around to the columns and numbering using the manual fill system. I will play around with it and get back to you.