Idea: different user levels.

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Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:37 pm
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Would it be posible to have different user levels? For example have an admin with no restrictions, designer with rights to program a show and operator which only has the rights to operate a pre programmed show. It would be even better if it would be customisable. This would be very usefull in fixed setups like a bar or a small club, where the fixtures only have to be set once and the system is likely to be operated by inexperienced users.
Posts: 637
Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:30 pm
Real Name: David


You have the -k option to run QLC+ in kiosk mode, where only the virtual console can be accessed. This could be your "operator" mode.

Also, you can already have different users at OS level, with different permissions on files.
I don't think it's the role of QLC+ to handle this, QLC+ is not a sysadmin tool.
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Thanks for your reply. I wasn't aware of the kiosk mode.
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