Save this Matrix to a Sequence

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Posts: 243
Joined: Mon Apr 20, 2015 5:07 am
Real Name: Mark Lohrey

Apologies if this has been addressed somewhere in the forum.

I have been experimenting with the show feature and have found that adding RGB Matrices is problematic in terms of reliability and sequences are better as you have a bit more control over the steps and their duration.
I have been using the 'Save this Matrix to a Sequence' option. I don't fully understand how it works but I am guessing that it exports one cycle of steps as specified in the matrix. As the documentation says that if matrix settings involve a level of randomness it will produce a different sequence each time and it would be very useful to be able to specify how many steps or cycles of the matrix that are exported to the sequence. It would make creating shows a little easier.


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