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scenes not saving

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 2:34 am
by fooschnickens
A friend of mine is making a small light show for christmas and I turned him onto QLC to help run it. He's been loving it so far but has had one issue continue coming up for him and that is that some of the scenes will not remember their channel settings when he reopens the workspace. He didn't notice this initially as he was just messing around with things, but now that he's got a decent little show made it's become very apparent that this is happening. He sent me the workspace file to see if it does the same thing and I'm seeing similar behavior.

Watching the show play through, there are obvious gaps where a scene or chaser should be triggered, but nothing happens due to the scene's information being blank. All the proper fixtures are assigned, but there are no values. Sometimes all the fixtures have no values, other times one or two are missing values.

If you re-enter those values, QLC will remember them only as long as the program is running. No matter how often it is saved, closing the program and then reloading it will make the scenes lose their values once more.

I have tested this on two machines other than his, and it exhibits the same behavior (Two Win7 machines, one Win10). All machines are running 4.10.1

Some of the scenes in question are: Blue Par, White Par, Red Half 1, Green Half 1, 2 Green and numerous scenes in the 1 Light Combo folder. The workspace file is attached.