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frame pages and knobs - with a midi controller

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:53 am
by giacomo
again, with the same file of the prev post - this issue happens to me only with a midi control connected, in my case a nanoknotrol2.

in the 2nd page knob 1 has the scene 9 and the knob 5 the dimmer 9;
-Play mode:
-in page 1, knob 1 (scene 1) at 100
-in page 2, knob 1 (scene 9) at 200
-first disable the window and then go to page 1
-rotate the knob 1 (scene 1) to 50 >> even if disabled the knob moves on the screen and so the dmx output
-now enable the page (we're still in page 1)
-rotate again the knob 1 >> together with scene 1 the scene 9 will follow (knob 1 on page 2)

It happens the same with the knobs in level mode (knob 5 in the file), I've tried a couple of other shows and I've not found this issue with faders but onyl with knobs.