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Midi Prg Change and show programming

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 9:14 am
by kman900
Hi all!

First off all . . thanks for letting me be a part of this. As a newbie i have many questions of the moment. I'm already searching the forum, but some things i still need to ask . .

Here's what i'm trying to do:

I'm playing in a two piece band. Two voices, two electric guitars and a half-playback. Playback is the Audio-part of an mp4-video that we use as background projection. So the first track in my shows is always an mp4. LIghts are some LEDs . . nothing special . . two bars in the back and 4 floods in the front. I have succeeded to create the fixtures myself.

To switch our guitar effects, i would like to send some midi prg-ch and ctrl-ch . . but i can't find how that's done. Any help appreciated!!!

I have created a first show, divided the LEDs in two groups, back and front. The back lights up as desired, but the front only lights up at the end of each scene, then fades out . . how can i solve this?

So much for now . . more to come soon . .



Re: Midi Prg Change and show programming

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:09 am
by kman900
Can anybody tell me how to send midi commands from QLC+?

I have found a little tool, named midisend ( that i can control by command line, so i can write a little script for each prg-ch that i want to send to my guitar processor . . but i know nothing about latency yet . .

Any othe possibilities?

Re: Midi Prg Change and show programming

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:28 am
by janosvitok
Using default MIDI plugin, you can send either program changes or control changes, but not both at the same time over the same device.

For details see:


Re: Midi Prg Change and show programming

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:28 am
by kman900
janosvitok wrote:Using default MIDI plugin, you can send either program changes or control changes, but not both at the same time over the same device.

For details see:
Thank you, Jano!
Had seen this before . . but, honestly, i did not understand it . . :-(
Did you make it work?

But wait . .

I now configured the Midi to Universe 2, created a "fixture" in Universe 2 that i mapped to the Midi out . . then put this "fixture" in the Show-timeline . .

Is this the right way? Have to try it at home . .

Re: Midi Prg Change and show programming

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:48 am
by kman900
Wrote a script that plays a midi note . . but how can i play this in the show editor . . ?

systemcommand:C:\Temp\midi-utilities\bin\sendmidi.exe arg:--note-on arg:1 arg:64 arg:80

Re: Midi Prg Change and show programming

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 8:35 pm
by janosvitok
Sorry, currently it is not possible to add script to show. I didn't check it before.

I also didn't mention that you can send Note on/off messages using default MIDI plugin.
Here is short howto:

MIDI plugin is able to send to one MIDI device ONE type of messages: Note On(Off) / Program Change / Control Change
and on ONE specified channel (1-16). For each device you can choose one type and one channel.

Setup: let's say we want to send Control Change 13 messages on MIDI channel 5.

In the Input/Output tab:
1. add new unused universe dedicated for this MIDI device output. If any of the initial 4 is free, you can use that.
Let's say our MIDI OUT universe is #3.
2. Select Universe 3 and in the right pane check output for the device you want to use.
3. Click on the Settings icon
4. Select MIDI channel: 5 and Mode: Control Change
5. Close the dialog

In the Fixtures tab:
6. Add generic dimmer to Universe 3, address 13

Now you can create scenes that will set this channel to any desired value. Note that since DMX uses values 0-255 and MIDI 0-127,
you need to set double the desired value in the scene (DMX value will be scaled to MIDI value).
You can also create buttons and sliders in Virtual console to send CC messages.

The same applies to Note On/PC messages, the difference is step 4.
If you need more CC's, repeat step 6 for additional dimmer channels.

If you don't understand anything, just ask!
Note that I didn't test this myself, I wrote this from reading docs and code.

Re: Midi Prg Change and show programming

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:21 pm
by kman900
First of all . . thank you, thank you, thank you ! ! !

. . for taking so much time to get me this information . . ! ! !

I tried it and it did not work. ;-( But it did set me on the right path. It is not the DMX Value that gives me back the prg-ch . . it is the channel! that sets the prg-ch-number! So to be able to switch sounds on my guitar-processor during a Show, i have to define one "dimmer" for each program number that i use in this song. It#s a little complicated, but i'll get it to work! More soon!