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Enttec usb pro mk2

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 2:58 pm
by Deece
Hi, I have just got hold of one of these. It seemed to work ok at first.
Now I have a problem. I can not get it to accept input from a dmx device.
It seemed to get corrupted when I tried to use it with dmx input and dmx output.

On the Input/Output page, the device is listed with 2 inputs and 1 output ok, but clicking on the tools button
or dbl clicking each entry the config box lists all chans as output.
eg: input1, output1, output2; each is listed in the config box as an input.

Closing the config box I get the error :
An error occurred while trying to open the selected device line.
This can be caused either by a wrong system configuration or an unsupported input/output mode.
Please refer to the plugins documentation to troubleshoot this.

I have removed usb connection, and reconnected.
The leds seem to indicate the device is working ok.
I have done a quick search on the forum, but have not seen this particular issue.

Any ideas please?

Should add ; Linux Mint, QLC 4.10.1

My PC threw its toys out the pram. It suddenly opened about 50+ qlc windows, and refused to do anything else.
So, having spoken to it nicely, and dealt it a swift dose of discipline (I turned it off and back on again)
all is working again. Strange. Although the config box still shows each line as Output 1.