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FYI for Christmas show Programmers

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 5:17 pm
by Krsound
This is a heads up for anyone starting to program Christmas shows for this year, last year was my first year using QLC Plus for a show here is a link of what mine looks like (

But anyway if your planing to program a long show like I did break up your songs into different shows then but them together in a chase. Why, this year I am changing my show but I am keeping some of the songs the same like the sing along segment. QLC has no way to copy-paste or away to move a group of cues around, so for me I have a 28 min show and I am deleting the first song so I have to reprogram the entire show.

If your curious if QLC is a good christmas show program the answer is yes, from scratch it does take time to build your cues up but once you get the hang of it, its awesome. What I ran into with other programs such as light o rama and lightshow pro, was I run a video server with Timecode and there was not away to output timecode to the video server. and the limitations on universes and QLC is Free, but please donate its worth it.

Re: FYI for Christmas show Programmers

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:06 pm
by redshift2
Nice show! How many channels was that?

Re: FYI for Christmas show Programmers

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 7:11 am
by Ovis
I want to try to make simple light show for christmas at home. Now I'm working with concerts and theatre, so I know what dmx and show programing is and how to use it. :)
Simply and maybe a litle dumb question: From last christmas, I have some LED light strip decorations. (see atachment).
What do I need to controll it via dmx? DMX relays? How to count how many dmx relays do I need to conect it to a lihgh strip decoration? If it's multicolor, for example three different LED colors, so it will be enough three channels or I need more for some reason?
Maybe you can show me a link to aliexpress or ebay for that dmx relays or whatever do I need ;)
I can use soldering to controll each color, not only to turn off/on all strip :) hope you understand what I need :)

Re: FYI for Christmas show Programmers

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 2:17 pm
by Krsound
1682 channels this year will double that, this year I am adding lasers a third projector, four moving head fire shooters, a fire cannon that shots fire 50 to 60 feet in the air :o and two more moving heads and more pixel leds

Re: FYI for Christmas show Programmers

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 2:20 pm
by Krsound
Ovis for what you have there is just a relay, I have ic LEDs which channels every single led to a pixel such as 2811 or 2801 then you require a spi controller I am using a pixlite 16 via sacn (e1.31)

Re: FYI for Christmas show Programmers

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 3:55 pm
by redshift2
It sounds like a awesome show you are planning! Please share the video of the show once you get it all up and running.