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QLC 4.10.0 Problem with show programming

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 7:39 am
by SteveGiovanazzi
hi everyone.

I have a new band to follow and with them i need to work with the audio track and all the show presetting at home. i try for a week to work on, but i had a lot of problem with the software.
when i set new scene (sequence) it's work well but if i try to make 2 step start to doesn't work right.
When i programming i always separete the moviment and the colours. so in the show desk i have separete track.
Now when i try to make a new sequence in the track colours and(for exem...) i put to hold for a 5 second the head colors red and for another 5 second the green the show decide to leave just one of them, and the same happens also with x-y of heads.
I read all tutorial and feature there are online without an answer.
Massimo can you help me?
I have to make 21 show for the next week :(

Re: QLC 4.10.0 Problem with show programming

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 7:48 am
by janosvitok
Can you post your qxw file here? (without audio track)

Re: QLC 4.10.0 Problem with show programming

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 8:26 am
by SteveGiovanazzi
yes sorry i forget before

you will need also to use the fixture i make. in 12ch mode.

Re: QLC 4.10.0 Problem with show programming

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 9:25 am
by janosvitok
Can you describe the problem once more (best with exact steps)? I don't understand the description.

Re: QLC 4.10.0 Problem with show programming

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:15 am
by SteveGiovanazzi
i think i find why.
add a track
and make a sequence with the fixture i need.
if i make a sequence where was ON (for example)3CH ( R-G-B) and after i make a sequence with just one of them ON the track make some random problems.
Now i make a show without do this and looking works.
I didn't know you have to leave ON all chanel in the track if you use once.

Re: QLC 4.10.0 Problem with show programming

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 5:01 pm
by Craounch
In fact each track corresponds to a scene, so you can't activate a different number of channels for a same scene. You can check the functions tab to better understand.
However, since RGB channels are set as HTP channels, you can make 2 sequences on the same track with the 3 RGB channels activated, but on the second sequence (as in your exemple) you put the DMX level of the 2 channels that you don't want at 0.

Re: QLC 4.10.0 Problem with show programming

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 7:25 am
by SteveGiovanazzi
yes thanks now i can work in the right way.
thanks you everyone.
when i finish i will send the document for of the show for session "use cases".