XY Pad - BCF2000

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Joined: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:19 am
Location: Marina di Carrara
Real Name: Lorenzo Andreani

QLC+ 4.10.1

XY Pad General:
- most monitor of the notebook or pc is spread horizontally, so the space vertically in the monitor is often little; it is possible to have an option that allows to have the buttons for scenes, exf, etc.., on the right side of the pad, rather than under?

- if i active the option to "Invert the y-axis" this is inverted for the Tilt but not for the Height

If i use BCF2000 with XY Pad (for control moving head):
Slider 1 - Pan
Slider 2 - Tilt
Slider 3 - Width
Slider 4 - Height

- if move the xy pad point with mouse or keyboard the feedback to BCF2000 it's ok
- but if a move the pan slider the feedback is send also for tilt slider (and viceversa) making it impossible to be used simultaneously

- the Width and Height slider do not work if there is'nt active an efx button

- if efx button is actived the feedback per slider Pan and Tilt is send continuously

- if drag with the mouse the width or height bar the feedback is not send

In the attached show, if i delete the universe 4 the BCF2000 it does not work and is no longer detected in the universe 1.

It still sees the problem reported with "Feedback and Frame Multipage Mistake"
XY_Pad BCF2000.qxw
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Lorenzo, sometimes I suspect you really don't like QLC+, cause in almost every of your posts you ask to change something...

Most of your requests make sense, but please understand that this project is carried on only by 3 developers and we're not working full time on QLC+ nor get paid to do it.
Moreover the 3 of us have different priorities in life, such as a family, other hobbies, etc.

So, please, try to prioritize your posts to the most valuable for everyone, not just for a BCF2000 or the size of your screen.
Eventually, please try to adapt your workflow/design to what the program offers right now.
- the Width and Height slider do not work if there is'nt active an efx button
Yes. It's written in the documentation. Did you read it ?

As for feedbacks, I'll have a look at it as soon as I can.
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Real Name: Lorenzo Andreani

mcallegari wrote:Lorenzo, sometimes I suspect you really don't like QLC+, cause in almost every of your posts you ask to change something...
I like QLC+ otherwise not invest my time to test and use.
To use/test QLC+ i have to take to replace/complement to the console i'm using. To do this i miss some things that i think are important.
Maybe the way i work is out of step with the times.

I do not do requests. If i did offer money in exchange for their services.

To test QLC+ with midi and feedback i only have BCF2000 but i think this also applies to other midi interface. Certainly i does not ask that the program is adapted to the BCF2000. I bought the BCF2000 to use with QLC+ because i saw that other people use it.
mcallegari wrote:Most of your requests make sense, but please understand that this project is carried on only by 3 developers and we're not working full time on QLC+ nor get paid to do it.
Moreover the 3 of us have different priorities in life, such as a family, other hobbies, etc.
Sure, i know and harbor the greatest respect.

Unfortunately i do not know english well and then i could have written something wrong.
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

lorenzoandreani wrote:To test QLC+ with midi and feedback i only have BCF2000 but i think this also applies to other midi interface. Certainly i does not ask that the program is adapted to the BCF2000. I bought the BCF2000 to use with QLC+ because i saw that other people use it.
Lorenzo, I've made some changes to the XYPad feedbacks. Now they should work better with the BCF2000.
It took a while cause I had to improve the OSC plugin as well.

I still need to investigate this
- if i active the option to "Invert the y-axis" this is inverted for the Tilt but not for the Height
If you have the chance to build from sources, please report any issue here.
I might build a OSX TEST version soon though.
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