[Idea] Click-and-go should be previewable

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When in the Function Editor, or Simple Desk, or even as an option in the Virtual Console, you should be able to see the effects of the click-and-go value you're hovering over before you click on it.

I know, that sounds useless, but it would be very useful for ranges that change from lower value to upper value, e.g. rotation/strobe speed.
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Can you describe the idea in more detail?

Strobe/rotation and other range based capabilities are problem in that most of the definitions don't contain real-world values like particular strobe frequency in Hz.
Entering that would take a lot of work. While it is doable, it'd require access to the fixture and measuring the frequency. Before that, it'd require to add support in QLC+
and I guess there are many more important problems than that.

If you thought of something else, please describe.
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Oh, sorry, I didn't have notifications turned on (I know, stupid mistake)

I was thinking more like, being able to right-click when in the click-and-go window and have the changes display immediately, rather than having to open it over and over again to make small adjustments, or check what different things look like.

Just an idea.
Production Director for Coastline Church NW

Software Engineer at AWS S3
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