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Severe limitation of functionality - scene information lost

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:08 pm
by aharsch
I have been trying to use QLC+ for about a month, but have been unable to solve a vexing issue. I have scanned this forum and the web for answers, but I don't believe I have found a fix.

The key concern I have is the idiosyncratic loss of information in a scene, herein for a simple RGB light (using the generic RGB fixture definition). It's not clear what triggers this, but more often than not, it's observed upon reopening of a saved qxw file. Once it occurs, re-entering the information, and re-saving does not help. I have appended a test file, where this happened for the "white_1_2" scene (but not the other color scenes). Absence of the scene information then affects a chaser and a test show that utilizes this scene or the derived sequence. The lights stay dark when they should be white, consistent with teh RGB sliders all sitting at "0".

I have noted this in version 4.9.1 and now in the test version for 4.10.

I have appended the qxw file. The program runs on a Mac Powerbook with OS X Yosemite (10.10.5)

I would appreciate any information on whether this is indeed a bug, and how to fix/address.
Thanks in advance,


Re: Severe limitation of functionality - scene information lost

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 12:43 am
by mcallegari
When editing a sequence, first you need to select the sequence step, and then set the step values.
I did it on your Sequence 5 and saved.
Values are correctly stored and restored when re-opening the project.


Re: Severe limitation of functionality - scene information lost

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 11:18 pm
by aharsch
Thanks for taking the time to look at this, particularly since you must currently be extremely busy.

For me, the problem has not fully resolved itself. When I load the file, "white_1_2" does not work, but once the file is open, highlighting the sequence step and resetting the values brings back the sequence. I subsequently saved the file, then closed the program, reopened the program, and the file in question. Unfortunately, it then again does not work. It seems like your approach yields a temporary fix when I attempt it. Can you recapitulate this finding when you close and reopen the updated file? Do you have a hypothesis of what is happening there?

Again, I wanted to thank you for your help in attempting to troubleshooting this.
Best wishes,
