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Capability Editor Enhancement - Up to 4 Colors

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 8:24 pm
by webdb22
While testing the new 4.10 release I've tried the various features of the Capability Editor in the Fixture Editor. What I'm missing is the possibility to define (and view in QLC+) more than 2 colors for a value range. Currently only a picture or two colors can be defined.

Reasoning: Current LED fixtures typically provide RGB or RGBW, but not all provide full RGB (or RGBW) control or provide a set of predefined colors. To visualize this, 3 (or 4) separate color definitions should be possible in the Capability Editor of Channel in the Color Group. The visualization could be done by splitting the Click & Go button and the Symbol (Circle) in the Fixture Monitor into 4 quadrants to display R, G, B, and W.

Hope this makes sense!

Re: Capability Editor Enhancement - Up to 4 Colors

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 8:26 pm
by janosvitok
Can you show an example of such fixture?

Re: Capability Editor Enhancement - Up to 4 Colors

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 8:27 pm
by mcallegari
Real example please ?
PDF user manual of the device would be nice.

Re: Capability Editor Enhancement - Up to 4 Colors

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:21 pm
by webdb22
Showtec XB-Wave, page 16: "...140-159 Red+Green+Blue..."

ADJ Revo 3, page 7: All the patterns and chases mentioned are built with Red and/or Green and/or Blue and/or White