Example file Virtual Console

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Posts: 16
Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2015 7:35 am
Real Name: EddyC

On the home page of QLC+ in the right corner are a few screen dumps of what QLC+ can do. One of the screen dumps is an example of the Virtual Console.

I like to build a Virtual Console similar like that one, but I don't know how to start ;) Is it possible to post the .qxw file with this Virtual Console.

I'm curious what the techniques are used in this file and it would be great help and inspiration for the Virtual Console that I would to build.


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I'm sorry, I don't have the qxw file of that console.
That screenshot has been sent to me by a user and unless he reads this post, I'm afraid we can't have access to his project file.

Looking at it, I think it's just a lot of scenes and a very clean Virtual Console.
So it's just a matter of arranging the widgets in a logical and intuitive way.
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In your installation you can find Sample.qxw. You can start from there.
Alternatively, the file is here: https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/b ... Sample.qxw
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