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Bypass fade in time in cue list

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 5:20 pm
by debbio
Hi all! I've this situation: I've two scenes in a cue , the second one has a fade in of 57 seconds.. Now this is my problem: the actor enters for his mistake before the second memory is full.. How can I reach the full of memory two manually bypassing the cue list's fade in time? The crossfader is already at 100% when I start the second cue memory


Re: Bypass fade in time in cue list

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 5:58 pm
by debbio
Massimo is there any way to do this?

Thank you so much ;))

Re: Bypass fade in time in cue list

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 8:39 pm
by mcallegari
Not that I'm aware of, sorry.
You could split the fade sequence from the hold time in 2 separate cues, so you'll just need to skip to the next cue and that's it

Re: Bypass fade in time in cue list

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 8:56 pm
by mgweber
Try enabling the crossfaders and linking them. You can manually fade from one scene to the other without regard to the programmed time.

Re: Bypass fade in time in cue list

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 3:39 pm
by debbio
Ok by studying different consolle I think the problem is in the crossfader behaviour in the cue list.
Example: 3 memories in the cue list, the second One has a fade in time of 2 minutes, this is what's happening right now. When I'm on the first cue and I press the next botton, the crossfader of the second memory (which is fading in in 2 minutes) is at 100%.. Instead it should reflect the fading time of the cue so that it could be modified manually..

This should help the live performance and the problems that could not be analyzed in program mode

Re: Bypass fade in time in cue list

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 5:26 pm
by mcallegari
Instead it should reflect the fading time of the cue so that it could be modified manually..
Crossfaders are the master of the whole cue level, including fade transitions.
If a crossfader is moved to 50%, all the cue levels will be scaled accordingly, even the fade in levels (they will go from 0 to 50%)
So what you're saying doesn't make sense to me.

I already suggested you a solution, but you insist to say this is a QLC+ issue.
Please be cooperative, otherwise roll up your sleeves and propose a constructive solution.

Also, please try to use the QLC+ terminology, otherwise we speak different languages:
- we call "cues" or "steps" what you call "memories"
- we say "operate mode" and "design mode". "Program mode" doesn't exist.

Re: Bypass fade in time in cue list

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 9:21 pm
by debbio
So a fader in submaster mode linked to the cue list doesn't do the same?? I don't really understand the solution you gave me.. Can you re explain me? Maybe my mistake

Re: Bypass fade in time in cue list

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 9:21 pm
by mcallegari
debbio wrote:So a fader in submaster mode linked to the cue list doesn't do the same??
Again, no.
There are 2 crossfaders in a Cue List widget and they are meant to be moved together - that's what a cross fade is.
Submaster just controls the level of the currently running cue. It doesn't do any cross fade nor it skips to another cue.
debbio wrote:I don't really understand the solution you gave me.. Can you re explain me? Maybe my mistake
Split your cues in 2:
- a cue with just fade in (and maybe a very short hold like 100ms)
- a cue with no fade in but only hold
In this way if your actors are too early you just need to skip from the cue fading in to the cue with hold only.
If they are on time, then the Cue List widget will automatically progress to the "hold only" cue.

Probably this can be solved better with a Speed Dial too, but I need to double check and I don't have time at the moment.

Re: Bypass fade in time in cue list

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 11:28 pm
by debbio
Ok Massimo I got it! It works but I really think that create a manual control for designed fade, in every cue should be a must. Maybe how you've said with a speed dial..

Ps: I didn't want not to be collaborative, I believe in this project you know! Thanks for your great work!! ;)