Chaser fade times overriding embedded sequences

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I'll preface this by saying that I'm very new to this program, so I'm probably missing something obvious.

So, in my project, I have a Chaser being used as a cue list, and the different "cues" are each collections, so that I can have multiple functions in one cue.

Now, in one of these collections (being used as a cue) there is a looping sequence. It's just an effect; it only has two steps in it.

The problem is that the Chaser can't execute the Collection (the collection that the fx sequence is in) while maintaining the sequence's original fade time values. The fade times get all screwed up, which is a problem, because the times I used in that sequence need to be incredibly precise.

I have a link to the project file below. The Chaser that's not working is "Collide", and the Collection within it that SHOULD be making effects is "Brighter Verse 2"

Sorry for the messy project file. Any help would be REALLY appreciated... I get the feeling that I'm just being a moron, so please enlighten me! :)
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Try changing the fade in time to 0 in the brighter verse1 cue of the collide chaser. I tried this and it looks like it works as expected. There are issues with the fade in/out times of the cue being propagated to the fade times of the entry. I've been able to work around this by specifying the fade in/out times I want for the sub chase to be the fade in/out times defined for that cue in the top level chase. One implication of this is that all steps in a sub chase need to be the same. You can't vary the fade in/out times because it always uses the time from the parent chase. At least this has been my experience.
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Changing them to zero didn't really do what i wanted it to do. Even at 0, the Chaser's fade times were overriding the Sequence's.

I got it working by changing the fade times of the Chaser to "Default". Unfortunately, this means that each scene will have its own independent fade time, which is not preferable, but it is bearable.

Do you know if it's possible to only set a certain function in a Chaser to have "Default" fade times? Or is it an inevitably global setting?

(Not to mention that now, cue lists don't display fade times, nor how long until the current cue has finished)
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I've started a new topic for the most important problem with this.
Production Director for Coastline Church NW

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