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Running headless

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 10:06 am
by Highpersonix
Next up -

yesterday i was too lazy to get up from the couch and tried toying with the web console. I hopped on the machine running qlc+ via ssh and tried starting qlc+ from the shell, with -w as argument. It demanded an X server.

I searched, and In this thread


there are two conflicting messages - that qlc+ runs on framebuffer alone XOR that you can't start qlc+ without the gui. I built qlc+ from source on an i386 machine running Xubuntu. Also, the thread is old. Has anything been done in between?



Re: Running headless

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 10:25 am
by janosvitok
QLC+ in Massimo's Raspberry Pi image is compiled with special version of Qt that runs directly on FB, so no X is needed.

Currently it is not possible to run QLC+ headless. You can run X over VNC or similar if needed.

Re: Running headless

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 10:33 am
by mcallegari
Actually the RPi image uses the "eglfs" platform, not linuxfb :)

But is the OP referring to the RPi ?
On a desktop (Linux) version X is always required, even if no UI was displayed.
I have some local changes to not display the UI, but it is just hidden, not disabled in the code.

In any case the web interface works tight with the UI, so at the moment there is no way to produce a "true headless" mode.
In QLC+ 5, the Virtual Console widgets are decoupled from the UI, so it will be possible to fully use it without rendering a thing.

Re: Running headless

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 10:47 am
by janosvitok
I didn't write it clear enough. The referenced thread was discussing RPi while OP uses regular Linux.
What I wanted to say is that information from the thread mostly doesn't apply here.

Re: Running headless

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 1:16 pm
by Highpersonix

as stated i am running a standard i386 xubuntu, on a fairly old laptop. I was just wondering if you could start / restart / load things remotely. Since QLC is a GUI program, there is not much point in doing so except for corner cases. I was just lazy and didn't want to get up to start the program.

What i wanted to use the web kit for is: I want to make one or two functions (out of many in the main show) available to someone else on the network by putting the necessary buttons into a seperate web page. If this is as simple as sending a variable to the server (cause nothing is secured anyway) i could just design a random webpage and make a design element call http://qlc.server:9999/?toggle_function=3. Imagine someone on a theater stage being able to switch on and off big lights on stage or changing colors in a specific fixture, without being able to accidentally interfere with the main show.

Another random idea that just got into me: is it possible to create a behaviour that makes a button on the console override a specific function, much like the solo frame does, so that we can for example have a color channel group override everything else (whatever the moving head is doing, it is now RED, as is everything else) ? I solved these by not assigning values on any color channel at all to moving heads, thus having a function "moving" the movinghead and other ones in a solo frame for lighting it up. But, whenever i have a function "blue gobo 3 move in circles" fixed, adding 255 on the red channel just makes me crash into the HTP adding problem again.


Re: Running headless

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 4:55 pm
by mcallegari
To design a custom web page have a look at this:

It's a link from the QLC+ website homepage

Re: Running headless

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 4:19 pm
by Highpersonix
Working on that. The other thing i'm trying is ripping apart an old HID and leaving the guys on scene only 2 buttons of it ^^