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QLC failure on DMX output

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:36 pm
by Snowblind
Hello again.
I've a huge problem with QLC+.
I am running it on a Windows7 PC, I am using a KMTronic USB>DMX512 controller to control a fire projector (simple 2 channel fixture).
I have configured all, I go on Operate Mode, and when i push on the virtual button to activate the projector it works only for the first 3/4 clicks, then it stops working.
If I go to the input/output panel and I refresh the DMX USB device, The projectors works again for another 3/4 clicks, then they stops.
I'have install the FTDI drivers for KMTronic, and they should be ok... I suppose....
I had the same problem running QLC on a Mac using the same devices...
Please, help, I have a show in a few days and I am in a a sea of problems.....

Re: QLC failure on DMX output

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 1:29 pm
by teackele
Hello snowblind,

Have you eliminated all possibile hardware sources of error? I've experienced quite some DMX bus lockups due to a noisy environment. Is the fire projector your only fixture on the DMX bus?

-Use shielded DMX cables
-Terminate the DMX bus
-Don't run DMX cables close to power lines
-Lower frame rate when you have cheap hardware (a lot of cheap hardware have bad DMX hardware implementations)

Regards Teackele

Re: QLC failure on DMX output

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:34 am
by pengumaniac
and pls re-read manual of the flamethrowers, I remember ones, who had a security function inbuild