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cannot change keyboard layout

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:02 am
by lemon
Hi guys,

I've used Massimo's last RPi image and made the update to 4.9.1. When I try now to change the keyboard layout I don't get any error, but the layout doesn't change. Don't know which layout has been installed by default (italian, english,...?) but I want to use the german one. I've tried with raspi-config, "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-layout" and even by changing "/etc/default/keyboard" but it doesn't change anything.
I looked for a few hours to find a solution but without success. I even tried with a "apt-get upgrade", as some guys had success with that.
Maybe in Massimo's image there's something different?

Thank you


edit: adesso ho ricopiato l'image di Massimo senza fare l'update a 4.9.1. Stessa cosa peró. Ho dimenticato di dire che con raspi-config non è possibile scegliere il punto di cambio tastiera affinché non si installa keyboard-configuration che stranamente non c'è sul sistema (basta un "apt-get install keyboard-configuration")

edit2: stessa cosa anche con l'image di aprile :?

Re: cannot change keyboard layout

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 3:16 pm
by mcallegari
Hi, I haven't tried it yet, but can you do this:

Code: Select all

apt-get update
apt-get install locales
dpkg-reconfigure locales
I think you need to uncheck english and check german

This might be helpful too (especially the 4th post) ... hp?p=78325

Re: cannot change keyboard layout

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 3:47 pm
by lemon
Thank you, Massimo, I'll try it tomorrow, but i think I already did that step.
I noticed just now that I switched to italian in my post at the end. :D

Re: cannot change keyboard layout

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:19 am
by pogay
I think there is a slight changemend in the underlaying wheezy concerning the keyboard configuration of the system console.

in the latest version (and other distributions as Linux-Mint - I searched quite a while to change the layout for the system console F1-F6)
this did the job for me:
dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration

in older Versions:
dpkg-reconfigure console-data (this worked for older versions of qlc-plus wheezys)

Probably you have already done:
locale -a (check locals)
dpkg-reconfigure locales
if nothing happens: you may also restart the system (for LXDE: IMO ldm and lxde takes the settings of the system console by default)