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MIDI and Church Software

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:51 pm
by gaineschurch
I"m a bit stupid when it comes to MIDI and using it between programs so please excuse my gross incompetence. haha

I have a church media presentation software which outputs a midi signal. I can choose the channel and note and intensity. I've set it up for Channel 1.

I've enabled the IAC Driver for MIDI in QLC+ and set it up with input Channel 1.

I have a Solo Frame in Virtual Console with various buttons.

I'd like to trigger some of the buttons via a MIDI signal from the other program.
Dumb questions:
1. Will QLC+ hear a MIDI signal sent from another program on the same computer?
2. Where do I setup the MIDI note each button will be triggered by (i've tried this in the button settings but been unsuccessful. I see where i can select input and the channel but not the note)
3. Does the "intensity" of the note matter to QLC+

The bottom line, is i can't figure out how to have a MIDI note do anything in QLC+ and am unsure if QLC+ will "hear" it from another program on the same computer.

Any help would be AWESOME!

Re: MIDI and Church Software

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:51 pm
by mcallegari
gaineschurch wrote:I've enabled the IAC Driver for MIDI in QLC+ and set it up with input Channel 1.
You mentioned IAC driver. This can only be OSX :)
gaineschurch wrote:1. Will QLC+ hear a MIDI signal sent from another program on the same computer?
Yes. In the Input/Output panel you should see an input line of the presentation software
gaineschurch wrote:2. Where do I setup the MIDI note each button will be triggered by (i've tried this in the button settings but been unsuccessful. I see where i can select input and the channel but not the note)
4 steps:
- select the MIDI input line in the IO panel
- open the MIDI plugin configuration and set that line in "Notes" mode
- assign a "Generic MIDI" profile to the line
- send some notes from the other software and check that they are received in QLC+. You should see a joystick blinking on the corresponding universe.
This might help:
gaineschurch wrote:3. Does the "intensity" of the note matter to QLC+
Yes. Buttons will consider only 0 and 127, while sliders will consider the whole range.

Re: MIDI and Church Software

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 5:48 am
by OddSocks
If you could tell us what operating system you are using, that would be helpful :-)

Re: MIDI and Church Software

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:21 pm
by gaineschurch
OH MY GOSH I can't believe I forgot that!
Mac! And most recent release.

Re: MIDI and Church Software

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 11:03 pm
by gaineschurch
Thank YOU mcallegari for your help!!!! I'm VERY appreciative!

I was able to get it to work! Now when i fire a media cue in the software, my light functions/scenes change! I love it!

The last thing i'm troubleshooting is why i often have to "rescan Midi" in the operating system settings in order for QLC+ to receive the MIDI signal from my other software. After restarting the programs or restarting the computer i have to do this.