Command Line --operate option: default to Virtual Console tab?

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Joined: Sat Jun 20, 2015 12:39 am
Real Name: Nathan Durnan

Running Windows XP/7. I've tweaked the registry entries so that a normal double-click opens a workspace file in "Operate" mode, along with adding the option to right-click for opening in "Edit" (normal open) or "Kiosk" modes.

One thing I've noticed is that opening a file in "Operate" mode always seems to start QLC+ with whatever tab was active when the project was last saved. "Kiosk" mode goes straight to the Virtual Console as expected since it's the only thing available in Kiosk mode. But I'm thinking it would also make sense for the "Operate" mode to start with the Virtual Console as the active tab regardless of what tab was active when the project was saved. When I'm launching in "Operate" mode, I'm primarily intending to use the VC anyhow.

It looks like it may be fairly trivial to make the change in the code for this, but I wanted to check to see if it was a desired operation before I made a pull-request for it. My proposal is basically: Starting QLC+ in "Operate" mode will default to the Virtual Console tab when it starts. If this behavior is acceptable, I will go ahead and make a pull-request for the changes.
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Nathan, please consider that you are not the only QLC+ user here, so maybe your needs are not everybody's needs :)

One would want to run QLC+ in operate mode, with an autostart function, and keep the Simple Desk tab open to do manual tweaking of single channels/channel groups or to do Cues playback.

I'd say the current behaviour gives more flexibility than always jumping to the VC (which can be done anyway by saving the project with the VC tab open)
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Perhaps new command line parameter to specify default tab could be a solution to this...
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Real Name: Nathan Durnan

mcallegari wrote:please consider that you are not the only QLC+ user here, so maybe your needs are not everybody's needs
Exactly why I posed the question to the forum. ;)
mcallegari wrote: the current behaviour gives more flexibility than always jumping to the VC
Agreed. It just takes some training to have my operators get used to always going back to the VC tab before saving tweaks to functions. Computer-based light control is still a brand new concept for my facility, so there are definitely growing pains. I'm just trying to find ways to simplify the learning curve for my new operators.
janosvitok wrote:Perhaps new command line parameter to specify default tab could be a solution to this...
I like this! I had just been looking at the quick-and-simple change, but this would allow the current flexibility as well as provide an option for my use-case. Perhaps the following:

Code: Select all

-t or --tab <tab>	Force specified tab to be shown on startup (tab cab be 'functions'/'fn', 'shows'/'sh', 'virtualconsole'/'vc', or 'simpledesk'/'sd')(only when -o is specified)
If this looks workable, I can spend some time working on it this week and create a pull-request later.
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Sortcut on Desktop:
qlcplus -w -f -p --open mydefault.qxw (linux-style, too lazy to translate :D )

now it is only your discipline, WHEN you click "Save":
only save, when VC is in foreground...

so severe?
Gentoo | profile=desktop | LXDE | QLC+ qt4-build / openSUSE 13.2-x86_64 | KDE | QLC+ qt5-rpmbuild
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