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linking freestyler via artnet to QLC

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:26 am
by djjeanb
I’m trying to control my universe via art-net.

However i cant get it to work.
The joystick icon does appear when i change values on the remote machine but the pi does not forward it to the LED PAR.

My setup:
Remote machine freestyler DMX, output: artnet <IP: PI> universe 0 (=1 on pi) (like i said the joystick icon does appear when changing values)
Pi (receiver) input: artnet <IP freestyler> universe 1 , output: DMX4U nanoDMX or entec open dmx (tried both), passthrough enabled, LED works on simple desk

What could be wrong?

Gr jean.

Re: linking freestyler via artnet to QLC

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:44 am
by plugz
djjeanb wrote:LED works on simple desk
What does this mean ?
Do the (physical) lights light up when you manually move the simple desk faders ?
Or do the simple desk faders move when you receive artnet input ?

Re: linking freestyler via artnet to QLC

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 4:31 pm
by djjeanb
the faders move but there is no output