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Clock Accuracy for timeline

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:51 am
by doce
Hello there,
i am observing that on my Raspberry pi 2 running QLC+ 4.9 the clock of the timeline is far from precise.
this means the playback of a Showtrack with a length of 5:00 min takes approx. 6:00 to be played back.
this also means i cannot sync light cues with a videotrack played back on the Raspi.

the command " date " shows the correct interval of for example 1 minute.

Do you have a clue why the timing of QLC+ showtrack is not accurate and is delaying / lagging

Re: Clock Accuracy for timeline

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:28 am
by OddSocks
Hi, can I ask what software you are using for the video output as I believed that for QLC you needed QT5 and that was an issue on the Pi.

Re: Clock Accuracy for timeline

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 6:56 pm
by pogay
the video is playes via PIpresent. QLCplus for the light-show (on the same machine and it works so far).

On this installation (on a PI 2) we use an "standard" raspbian wheezy installation a few weeks ago I compiled qlcplus 4.8.5 (with qt4).
So I might be a problem of an internal qt-timer (two date commands in an interval of a minute shows the seconds correctly).
We tested it: actually in the qlcplus timeline 30 Second is 33 seconds on a clock, so it's 10% to slow, but stable und proportional.
For a workarround we converted the "time locations" manually. :mrgreen:

But on an other installation where we use an original qlcplus image of Massimo. We also have a strange phenomenon - two identical PI-installations (SD-Images) control two groups of 30 lights - the shows don't seem to run in an identlcal speed. (precise tests are outstanding ).


Re: Clock Accuracy for timeline

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 8:24 pm
by plugz

Can you run QLC+ with the -d option to enable debug output ?

If so, can you run your disfunctionnal show for 30 seconds, and then post QLC+ console output here ? Thanks :)

Re: Clock Accuracy for timeline

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:43 am
by Chris De Rock
the problem can be: the RpI has no RTC. But you can buy the RTC as extension board.

Re: Clock Accuracy for timeline

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:31 am
by wizarddd
pogay wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2015 6:56 pm
We tested it: actually in the qlcplus timeline 30 Second is 33 seconds on a clock, so it's 10% to slow, but stable und proportional.
For a workarround we converted the "time locations" manually. :mrgreen:

But on an other installation where we use an original qlcplus image of Massimo. We also have a strange phenomenon - the shows don't seem to run in an identlcal speed. (precise tests are outstanding ).

Dear Sir
Ι have the same problem with Xp installation
changing machines with the same file (same program and file ) plays very well
I'm trying to make one show and every 10 seconds the QLC 4.11 clock loses 4 seconds