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Script RS232 control...

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 1:04 pm
by scrappy
Loving this software!!

Just trying to get my head around controlling RS232 enabled things...

Running Ubuntu, QLC+, outputting DMX and receiving OSC from an ipad...

The idea is, i press a button on the iPad, this triggers a shell script on the PC, which in turn runs a python script which outputs a serial command (through a usb rs232 adapter) to a projector, video switcher etc etc...

Ive got it working... Although If i run 'Sudo qlcplus' from the home direcotry it doesnt work... However, if I cd Desktop, then run sudo qlcplus, it works every time!

Theres nothing on the desktop called qlcplus or anything similar...

Stumped!! Anyone got any ideas? :\

Re: Script RS232 control...

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 3:38 pm
by scrappy

Found the solution :)

It was to do with where the script files were located.... Moved them into /usr/share/qlcplus and it all works nicely :)