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4.9.1 Completely unstable on Windows 8 with MIDI

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 9:10 pm
by BamBam

I have been having numerous problems with QLC+ stopping using Windows 7. I had managed to stabilize it by replacing an mp3 audio file with a WAV file. Now, when operating on a Windows 8 laptop and adding a MIDI input, the program stops after 5-10 seconds, even if I do not perform any actions at all. The behavior began when I plugged a MIDI device into the ENTTEC PRO MK2 I am using as a USB DMX box.

I also did not see any of the mapping information the help file implies will come up when configuring the MIDI input.

Is there something I am missing in this operation. The forum is filled with success stories of this software/hardware combination and I am not experiencing anything remotely close to functioning software.

I will post the file here shortly.

Re: 4.9.1 Completely unstable on Windows 8 with MIDI

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 9:13 pm
by BamBam
This is the show file I am using.

The MIDI controller is a MIDIMan Oxygen8 keyboard