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Setting cues in a stack
Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 10:14 pm
by tymckz
I've searched the board but I can't find an actual step by step tutorial on setting cues. I've played with simple desk but I can't get it to work and I have to be doing something very simply wrong.
I create a scene (look) in Function. I have it up in virtual console. I go to simple desk and I record the look that's up. When I click off the look in virtual console and click on the simple desk cue 1, nothing comes up.
Additionally, I've added all these cues trying to make it work and I can't figure out where to delete the cues and clear the area.
I've searched high and low online.
I have a theatre that has shows and we go from cue 1 to cue 2 to cue 3 and so on. I can't seem to make this work. Any kindergarten level step by step tutorial would be appreciated. Thanks for any help.
Re: Setting cues in a stack
Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 6:58 pm
by janosvitok
Cues in the Virtual console and Simple desk are not related at all. Cues in the simple desk are meant as quick start but they are pretty simple and you'd better just not use them.
Create scene in fuction tab for every look you need. Then create chaser, and add all scenes in the proper order (you can add one scene several times.)
then add Cue list widget to virtual console and use that.
Re: Setting cues in a stack
Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 12:12 am
by tymckz
Thank you! I was losing my mind trying to figure that out.
So much thanks
Re: Setting cues in a stack
Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 6:13 pm
by andyjw
I tried this and got it to work, but cant stop the chaser from just running through the scenes without waiting for me to "advance" it. What am I doing wrong?
Re: Setting cues in a stack
Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 6:22 pm
by janosvitok
Set step duration to infinite.
If that doesn't work, attach your workspace (qxw) here and tell us how to reproduce the problem, what is wrong and what do you want it to do.
The more exact steps the better (i.e. click on this, click on that,...)
Re: Setting cues in a stack
Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 9:15 pm
by andyjw
I have set the duration time but now the cue list sits and waits for the duration to time out.
I have set 6 basic dimmers, created 4 scenes with varying dimmers at varying levels, put them into a chase and loaded the chase into a cue list on the virtual console.
When I go into operate mode I can initiate the first cue, but thats all.
Thanks for your help.
Re: Setting cues in a stack
Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 9:37 pm
by janosvitok
Go to functions tab, open the chaser, open timing window and click "infinite" below "hold" dial. That will set all steps to inifinite hold time (since you have common duration set in the chaser).
Now start operate mode, and go to virtual console. start the cue list, first scene/step fades in and waits. now you can press the "next" button (the orange right arrow) to go to second step, and the same for the other steps.
Re: Setting cues in a stack
Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:29 am
by andyjw
Many thanks for that, I completely missed the timing wheel! Its now working fine.
Another question, is it possible to step around within the chase from the cue window? ie if I am currently on step 1 could I skip steps 2 and 3 and go straight to step 4?
Re: Setting cues in a stack
Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:36 am
by janosvitok
You can go to any step, but it's not really straightforward and is slightly different on each platform (win/osx/linux).
I'm now on my lubuntu 14.04 machine and I can change steps by selecting new step with single mouse click and run it with Enter key.
Try to find your own combination of mouse clicks and double clicks, enters and arrow keys
Then post your platform here and the combination so other know as well.
Re: Setting cues in a stack
Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:04 pm
by andyjw
Thanks for all your help, it really was that easy. Basically its the same as your when configured properly.
Re: Setting cues in a stack
Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:46 pm
by robindavis60
Another question, is it possible to step around within the chase from the cue window? ie if I am currently on step 1 could I skip steps 2 and 3 and go straight to step 4?
Regarding jumping around in a cue list widget on Windows 8.1, QLC+ 4.9.1 try the following steps while in Operate Mode:
1. Double click on the cue you want to jump to (cue will be highlighted and waiting)
2. Press Enter key on keyboard to trigger the selected cue.
To continue with the next following cue:
3. Click the orange forward arrow to trigger the next cue
You can jump up or down the list in any order in this way.