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4.8.5 Building a show around an .mp3 track crashes everything

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 1:29 am
by BamBam
I am putting together a very simple show using 4.8.5 on a MAC (Lion) and on a Windows 7 laptop. On both platforms I built a workspace with 6-6channel fixtures, about 2 dozen scenes and a half dozen chases. I then imported the audio and began building tracks. after 4 tracks and maybe 6 "events" in 3 timelines, QLC began to stop responding on both platforms. On the MAC, I get the rainbow wheel of inertia and on the Windows machine it responds so slowly that the display doesn't change even after the audio track has finished playing (3 minutes)

Is this a corrupt workspace file or are there more current software versions I can get?

Any suggestions?

Re: 4.8.5 Building a show around an .mp3 track crashes everything

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 2:25 am
by tornel
QLC+ is already in version 4.9.1, you can download it in the main page, the sourceforge page or get the sources and compile yourself.

As for the issue:
1. Post your workspace (and any files and custom fixtures you are using)
2. Try to use a wav file instead of mp3, usually it behaves better ;)

Re: 4.8.5 Building a show around an .mp3 track crashes everything

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 3:32 am
by BamBam
Here is the workspace. It seems the audio file is too large

Re: 4.8.5 Building a show around an .mp3 track crashes everything

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 2:51 pm
by tornel
It was indeed a corrupted workspace.
Try the attached file and let me know

Re: 4.8.5 Building a show around an .mp3 track crashes everything

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:54 am
by plugz
@tornel Hi, is this the worspace corruption you found :
<ShowFunction StartTime="4294964216" ID="51" Color="#556b80" Duration="10000"/>

Re: 4.8.5 Building a show around an .mp3 track crashes everything

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:17 pm
by tornel
Indeed it is!

Re: 4.8.5 Building a show around an .mp3 track crashes everything

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:59 pm
by BamBam
This seems like pretty deep stuff. Any idea what might have corrupted the file and how I can avoid it in the future?

Re: 4.8.5 Building a show around an .mp3 track crashes everything

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:10 pm
by plugz
I'm currently investigating this :)

Re: 4.8.5 Building a show around an .mp3 track crashes everything

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:29 pm
by tornel
David, since BamBam was using 4.8.5, i suspect it's related to this timing issue you fixed for 4.9.0.

Re: 4.8.5 Building a show around an .mp3 track crashes everything

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:40 pm
by plugz
Luis, unfortunately no, fadein/fadeout/duration should not influence start time of a function.

Re: 4.8.5 Building a show around an .mp3 track crashes everything

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 7:02 pm
by plugz
There are 2 issues here:

- In the show manager, when setting the starttime of a sequence to 10h (with the show manager timing tool), saving and reloading the workspace, the show manager become very laggy (~2fps)
Doing the same with the maximum value for a starttime (395h), the show manager becomes impossible to use (~0.5 frames per minute, hehe)
This is the first issue: the show manager does not handle well super-long timelines.

- The second issue: how the hell did you manage to create this starttime of 4000000000+ ?? (~790h, this is not accessible by the show manager timing tool) I'm still looking for an answer...

Re: 4.8.5 Building a show around an .mp3 track crashes everything

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 7:45 pm
by plugz
And fixed it on GIT :)

The performance issue is still there, you should avoid creating 10h+ long shows.


HOWTO: destroy your workspace.

Step 1: go to the show manager tab
Step 2: click on the main show view, but not on an object, keep your mouse button down
Step 3: move to the left of your screen, out of the QLC+ window
Step 4: release your mouse button. The show cursor will teleport to far far away.
Step 5: click on "add sequence" -> it will be added where the cursor currently is. that is far far away.

Then hit "save". Congratulation, you have created a non-working workspace :)

EDIT- Demonstration gif: Don't do this at home !