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Question/idea according Ltp Flash

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:50 pm
by Tasaei
Hey :)

is it somehow possible to active and deactivate that LTP channels are flashable?
Before i need 5 pages to explain, i'll just post my project. If you press space evrything resets (everything is in solo frames with a button activate by space and the reset of gobos, prism etc is patched to the space key).
In 4.8.4 everything is fine but with 4.8.5 and 4.9.0 if i press space all these buttons (including the reset of the prism an gobo) get the green edges and don't deactivate again.

So , all in all: would it be possible to activate and deactivate this feature? ( idea for 4.9.1)

LG Tasaei

Re: Question/idea according Ltp Flash

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:54 pm
by Tasaei

Re: Question/idea according Ltp Flash

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:06 pm
by Tasaei
Ok Some things with mixing the color for my rib head aren't working as well because of this issue (i got many scene with colors and additional to that i can pick the color over a rgb pad , this works with a rgb par at a loopback universe an than its patched to the colors of the moving head).

I'll go back to 4.8.4 .
Would be great if it could be deactivated :)