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qlcplus startup problems
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:06 pm
by pogay
Code: Select all
OLA: common/network/TCPSocket.cpp:158: connect( Connection refused
olaout: Connect failed, is OLAD running?
olaout: start thread failed
(see also thread:
(code: ... thread.cpp)
I have a qlcplus 4.8.5 installation, which has (sometimes) a startup problem, which gives a message like above when starting with -d
One workarround was to delete /root/,config/qlcplus/*.lock before starting the service (seemed to help).
But today I had the same problem again. Checking for a ".lock file, or a tcp lock I didn't find anything.
It was impossible to start the service (which loads the showfiles qxw + soundfiles).
I remarked that the qlcplus started correctly without --open . It was also possible to load the show from my usb-stick (with the original show).
So I invoked my upload procedure to freshly upload the showfile, which restarts qlcplus - an it started again!!!
What could be the problem?
Is there a solution or workarround, that qlcplus starts reliably?
Re: qlcplus startup problems
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:35 pm
by mcallegari
Are you using the OLA output plugin ?
Can you actually answer the question "olaout: Connect failed, is OLAD running?"
Why are you starting QLC+ with the -d option ? It's supposed to be the debug mode, which is disabled on the Pi anyway...
The first link you posted is marked as SOLVED, while the second link...what the heck is that ?? It's not QLC+ !
This is the code used: ... thread.cpp
Are you building QLC+ on the Pi yourself with changed code ??
Also, you shouldn't touch .lock files ! They belong to the Debian standard way to start/stop services.
Re: qlcplus startup problems
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 4:36 pm
by pogay
Hello Massimo
Thank your very much for your quick replay.
Sorry for the confusion and particularly for the wrong code link (in qlcplus code is the same message, I was searching for)
We use a normal QLCplus image (from a mail of you), which was updated to 4.8,5
We don't use particular plugins.
We didn't have the problem until now. (with a previous installation and during test of this installation).
Our recent installation 2 qlc+ machines (with OSC messages)
We have several strange issues on this installation:
1) sometimes the sound stops after a short time, and only the light continues.
2) When I was called today, both of the QLC machines were not responsible anymore, and I found out, that qlcplus didn't start (or hanged).
So I tried to start qlcplus with -d , which gave me some hints (as mentioned in the posting)
I would be glad to get some hints how to debug.
We got the new link to the PI qlc 4. 8.9,
I could try the update via script, to see wether this solves our problems.
Re: qlcplus startup problems
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:07 pm
by mcallegari
- QLC+ 4. 8.9 doesn't exist. You meant 4.9.0.
- RPi 1 or RPi 2 ?
- Where are the audio files stored ? In a USB pendrive or in the SD card ? In the first case, have you tried to play them from the SD card ? Maybe the USB pendrive gets unmounted at some point ? Not enough current on the USB ports ? Have you tried with a powered HUB ?
- QLC+ not responsive - Hanged at boot ? Was it playing the audio files ? Do you load a project at boot ?
- Debug is not possible in a released version. You need to build QLC+ yourself on the Pi to debug, with the consequent loss of performances
Please be more accurate when you report a problem. The Pi is no piece of cake and there are quite a few things to be considered when experiencing an issue.
Re: qlcplus startup problems
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 8:21 pm
by pogay
thanks very much for the quick answer.
It's possible that my problem is due to a inconsistency of the show files, as you mentioned.
If a consistency check doesn't help, I will do a further posting
just for being complete and explaining what we are doing:
It's a rather standard installation:
for the QLC+ machines we use PI 1 B + (4 USB)
QLC- loads the files at boot time from a location on the SD card.
The QLC-PIs never read directly from an USB device.
The installation is in function. (I don't have control over the user actions)
*Visitors can push 4 buttons to select a show
*stuff can switch power off and on (light and PI's)
*There is a feature to do a upload of the showfiles (stuff), but until now we only have one set of showfiles, so it's only used for tests
*the installation works ( for some time)
Normaly a power on of the installation brings it to an initial state.
But I had the cases where all machines were running normally, but QLC was not correctly started or not started at all.
Once I remarked in /root/.config/qlcplus/ Q Light Controller Plus.conf.lock, this blocked the startup for shure.
(due to a power off? power off is not elegant to shutdown the system)
=> I was checking something with nano in this file, I guess that created the .lock file
One thing is true - one problem can be the consistency of my qlc inputfiles (particularly after an upload via scp).
I have to implement a checksum, to be absolutely shure, my problems don't come from here.
The state of the image should be indentically, at least at boot time.
thanks a lot for this great software and for your super support in this forum!