Dear Massimo,
first things first: I love QLC+. Great job. Really.
I have some trouble's setting up qlc+ => osc functions. Maybe what I wanna do isn't implemented yet. So I thought i post my ideas and u can decide if you want to implement them or not.
All ideas are based on the following setup. QLC+ is running in the background. I am controlling QLC+ with my iPad and TouchOSC.
=> Frames: New feedback output which page is currently active. I can't get a visual feedback if QLC+ is running in the background.
=> Sliders: New feedback output with the current active value of the slider. Actually it is possible to get that information, but only as float values between 0 and 1. So what I need is a value between 0 and 255 to get an idea at which position my slider is currently (I cannot set an exact value in TouchOSC without the feedback of the exact number).
Maybe there are already solutions for my problems. I searched for hours now and couldn't find anything.