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QLC Freezes with OpenDMX Module

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 2:57 pm
by Papkee

I'm experiencing a rather annoying issue. I've built a USB-DMX adapter that I know works (Freestyler and DMXControl both work fine with it) but it's causing issues with QLC.

I have it patched to one universe with a single fixture, and I can control the light for about two minutes or so before the fixture stops responding to controls. I go to the inputs/outputs tab and try to uncheck and recheck the Enttec OpenDMX output, but it freezes when I click it.

The solution is to force QLC closed, unplug and replug the DMX dongle, and then wait a minute and start QLC again. During this time, I can still get Freestyler and DMXControl to recognize it and control it.

I would appreciate any help.


Re: QLC Freezes with OpenDMX Module

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 3:09 pm
by janosvitok
QLC version? (4.8.5?)
OS + version? (Windows?)
Computer? (CPU+RAM)

Re: QLC Freezes with OpenDMX Module

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 3:33 pm
by Papkee
Sorry about that.

QLC 4.8.5
Window 8.1
Intel i7 @ 3.6ghz, 8GB Ram

I've also now noticed that the adapter doesn't work in other software if it freezes in QLC+, contrary to what I said earlier. This may mean it's a hardware fault, and I'm testing to see if it's the USB 3.0 socket I'm using, as sometimes USB 3.0 can cause issues with non-USB3 devices like the FT232RL.

Re: QLC Freezes with OpenDMX Module

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 8:47 pm
by Papkee
Is there any way to enable logging on QLC so that I can see what happens when the adapter stops working? I can't seem to get any other program to behave like QLC+ does with this module, and I would greatly like to solve this issue.

If you would like the technical side of things I've got an FTDI FT232RL and a MAX485 doing the conversion.

Thanks for any help.

Re: QLC Freezes with OpenDMX Module

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 7:32 am
by mcallegari
In Windows you can't enable logs.
You need to build QLC+ yourself, better on Linux.

One thing I can think of is the frequency of transmission to the adapter. You may try to reduce it.
See 4.5 here:

Re: QLC Freezes with OpenDMX Module

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 10:13 am
by rudi
Hello everyone,

My first post here.
To solve the problem: put an usb hub between the usb port and the ftdi dmx interface.

