Not enough Decimal Places available?

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Posts: 1
Joined: Sat May 02, 2015 5:44 pm
Real Name: Matthew McElveen

Hi! Background info!
So, I recently started using QLC+. Right now I'm using it to run 4 RGB LED pars for my band, having programmed choreographed sequences that I activate with a QWERTY keyboard.
Our band plays with click tracks, so it's a guarantee to be able to basically beat sync a preprogrammed light choreography to each song live (as long as I hit the first cue on beat.)

So my issue!
Ive found the easiest way for me to program is by creating a pretty long chaser. But times are set in seconds not tempo or BPM. So I'm using an app called Delay Genie that basically converts and tells me what the actual amount of seconds equal to various note values in a tempo. But a function's time values seem to only allow two decimal places behind the second, 1.85 or 4.25. And, to be spot on in timing, I need more decimal places than that, otherwise light sequences end up rushing or lagging, and I'm having to play guessing games in my timings later on at how to account for that but randomly adding a .1 second or something here and there, and it takes forever to actually see if I compensated correctly.

Is there anyway for me to be more exact in my timings and potentially set times with 4 decimal places? 1.375 or 2.527? That way I know that every time I put is exactly a quarter note or whole note to the tempo I'm trying to match.
(One of our song's tempo is 120, and boy was that easy to program. I wish the rest were, too.)
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

Have a look at this
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I have the same problem as OP. I don't think its related to the DMX protocol (although i do understand this is a limit on system performance).

I think the cause of the issue is that many BPMs do not line up with centiseconds, thus the error between where you want to be and were you are keeps growing. For example a BPM of 61 has a beat every 0.983s... if you run a chase with duration of 0.98s you come in early 0.003s the first time then 0.006s the second and so on and so on.

I don't think going to more decimal places will solve the problem, i think QLC+ would need to understand BPMs to solve the problem.

That said if someone know how to do this easier please let me know.

Massimo: Thanks for all your work on QLC+
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