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RPI + MIDI Error

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:14 pm
by matthewb
I managed to get the device to boot and set up with the latest RPi image. Everything is working except MIDI input. I uploaded a project and everything works from the web interface, including feedback to my BCF2000. However, input from the controller does nothing.....

If I move a slider on the web interface, it moves on the BCF2000. But not the other way around..

My configuration is attached.

Thank You for your help,

Re: RPI + MIDI Error

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:26 pm
by janosvitok

you have to use two universes: one for DMX output and one for remote control. It doesn't work if you mix them together.
Make e.g. Universe 1 MIDI, keep input and feedback as it is, and remove output.
Add Universe 2, and set output to USB DMX PRO. You'll have to repatch the fixtures though. Double click on the fixture and change universe.
It's possible to do it by opening the qxw file in text editor and rewriting the number. Note that universes are 0-based so 0 is Universe 1, 1 is Universe 2, etc.