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Virtual Console Faders not User-Moveable

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 2:24 am
by Papkee
Hello all,

I've come across an interesting little quirk with QLC. It's probably not a bug, more just me not knowing exactly what I'm doing.

I've been creating a virtual console to model our theater's existing lighting console as I prepare for our switch to QLC - a move I hope will allow us to expand our lighting shows to great heights.

I've found an issue with the faders. I've got a bar of 24 faders for our 24 dimmers, each assigned to a channel in levels mode. They're all checked to update with a change in value, and when I go between cues they move exactly how I want them to.

However, I would also like them to be user-controllable as well, and this is where I run into issues. They're stuck - they won't move from the value the cue sets them to. They will move fine if I uncheck the live update box, but this prevents me from seeing what my lighting levels are.


I'd appreciate help on this issue. QLC is a very powerful program and I'm hoping this can be resolved.

Re: Virtual Console Faders not User-Moveable

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:18 am
by Chris De Rock
i think you cannot use both options at once.

Re: Virtual Console Faders not User-Moveable

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 1:24 am
by Papkee
Is there any other way I could go about achieving something where I can override the cue values while still being able to see what they're at?

Re: Virtual Console Faders not User-Moveable

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:15 am
by janosvitok
You can have two sets of faders - one set that has auto update on and one that you use for control.
or you can use DMX monitor...