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chanel propertys on raspberry

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:40 pm
by Willy_Pinguino
Hi guys, a quick question...

the raspberry pi version support or not support the changing of curves under chanel configuration panel?

my experience semes be negative but maybe I need only re-edit the curves by raspi interface or I need to move some configuration file from the development station to the raspi istance...

in the specific case, I need to make a perspnalized curve for 2 chanels of an rgb+dimmer fixture and it's work if I play the show from the pc where I develop the show, bit when I charge the same show on the raspi, the new curves are lost :..(

thanks in advance for every suggest about this lil thing

Re: chanel propertys on raspberry

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:48 pm
by mcallegari
Hi, like on the desktop version, if you have custom curves, they go into the proper user folder.

In the Raspberry Pi it is:

Code: Select all

You can upload them via SSH

Re: chanel propertys on raspberry

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:52 pm
by Willy_Pinguino

More quick of my question review!

thanks Massimo, I'll try it immediatly! :D