Audio Trigger Factory Suggestion

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J Frey

Hello, thank you for your work on this program.

I am an improvisational musician, so I find the Audio Trigger Factory very useful.
It would be fantastic if it was possible to save different configurations in ATF, and be able to load up the saved settings on the fly, as is possible with other aspects of the program.

This way, you could call up a new set of values/effects when needing to change it up while playing live.
Massimo Callegari

Yeah, I was thinking about turning the Audio Trigger Factory into a Virtual Console widget.
This would obviously takes some time to implement and might raise a few issues.

I think that will be great if a slider/knob can be added as an "input gain". In case where the same audio input is used for other things, like recording, and even that wood be great in the example above, so the master level can be adjusted on the fly in a live situation.
J Frey

Thank you for considering it, it would be very useful!
john poremba

I think this would be fantastic!
FWIW One suggestion I'd like to add to solve a common problem: Since most audio is wideband, instead of trigger on a single frequency band, trigger on the logical AND combination of several bands (both for enable and disable). So, for example, a clap sound might be roughly a bell curve around 1500Hz, whereas a 'click' is a very different curve. It would be most effective if triggering was done on the curve shape rather than individual band thresholds, IMHO. What I mean by that is: if the trigger curve is say 1500Hz (80%) and 2000Hz (40%) using individual thresholds would trigger even if the 2000Hz audio level was higher than at 1500Hz. If evaluating on a curve, the trigger would have occurred only if the 2000Hz level was about half the 1500Hz level (about because some tolerance should be allowed).

The tricky part (for the user) is to enter in the correct values. If the they could be learned, it would be ideal, otherwise, manual entry should work (drawing the curve?), in any case, threshold marks on the trigger factory screen would help a lot.

If done along these lines, the triggering should be much more selective and if built into a widget, one could have multiple triggers for all kinds of sounds. If one needs more selectivity, they could just increase the number of bands!
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