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MIDI Clock input to change chaser scenes

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:07 pm
by LegendaryHouse
Hi Everyone

I'm a noob to QLC+ but have very much enjoyed playing with it's features so far :-)

I'm stuck on one issue with trying to get a MIDI Clock input to change chaser scenes that I hope someone can point me in the correct direction.

I'm using MIDICLOCK to generate a clock signal to MIDI Yoke 1 (ultimately, the input to MIDICLOCK will be a software sequencer sending its tempo as a MIDI clock output).
With QLC+ V4.3.3, I have MIDI Universe 1, Input from MIDI Yoke 1, Output to DMX USB.

I have a simple chaser with 3 scenes, each scene duration set to 2 seconds.
In Virtual Console I have a cue list set to run the chaser with the "Next Cue" property set to External Input universe = 1:MIDI and External Input channel = 388. I know it's these settings because if I press the "Auto Detect" button with MIDICLOCK sending a clock the universe and channel boxes show 1:MIDI and 388.

When I switch to operate mode and run the cue, it never changes the scenes in the chaser in time to the MIDI clock.

If I now create a button in Virtual Console to toggle on/off the chaser with the External Input set to the same as the cue list (i.e. universe and channel = 1:MIDI and 388), when I switch to operate mode the button is triggered perfectly by the MIDI clock to start/stop the chaser.
So, I know that QLC+ can see the MIDI clock signal.

Why can't I get the MIDI clock to change the chaser scene in the cue list?
Any ideas would be warmly welcomed.

Many thanks.

MIDI Clock input to change chaser scenes

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:47 am
by Ulf
Hi all,

I would also like to change chaser scenes or step cue lists using midi clock. It would be nice to beatmatch on midi clock. For example, I use an A+H Xone:4D, which has an awesome beat counter which produces a midi clock signal depending on the tempo. You can slow down or speed up this manually, so it would be perfect and easy to use for me, without the need to connect an audio signal to the controlling pc, which, of course, would be an nice feature, too.

Anyway, you are doing a really nice job on qlc+!
Many thanks for that.

Best regards,

MIDI Clock input to change chaser scenes

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 4:06 am
by M. Wisniewski
it would be also nice for cuelist widget to bind "next cue" to beat detected by sound to light infrastructure.

MIDI Clock input to change chaser scenes

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 3:15 pm
by Massimo Callegari
Hey guys, MIDI clock is not supported yet.
I'd like to have it too, as well as JACK clock.
I need to find the time to make up my mind on an efficient solution to implement it.
However don't expect it too soon :(

MIDI Clock input to change chaser scenes

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 3:24 pm
by Massimo Callegari
EDIT: I'm probably confusing MIDI timecode with MIDI clock.
They're different beasts, but I'd like to have both on QLC+ one day.

Now the question is: as far as you know, are there softwares sending MIDI clock (beat clock) that I can use for my tests ? Free and for Linux would be much better for me :)

MIDI Clock input to change chaser scenes

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 3:42 pm
by OddSocks
You could try Rosegarden, as I believe that this sends MIDI clock data.

MIDI Clock input to change chaser scenes

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:17 am
by Massimo Callegari
Ok, so I've been able to have a MIDI clock running on my Ubuntu with Rosegarden (thank OddSocks) and also from a GIT build of Ardour.

Now, I think I am able to add this feature (at least on Linux) but I would like to know from you what are the use cases for this feature.
As far as I understand you need a "beat" signal to trigger the VC Cue List next action.
What else ?

@LegendaryHouse: it sounds strange to me you've been able to see a MIDI signal coming from MIDICLOCK. At the moment only MIDI notes and Control Change are supported. Are you sure MIDICLOCK doesn't send one of them too ?

MIDI Clock input to change chaser scenes

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:20 pm
by Ulf
Massimo -

many thanks for having an eye on this.
As far as I am concerned, I would appreciate to let qlcplus (on Linux) to identify the BPM via MIDI-clock. So it could change chaser scenes, step cue lists, maybe steer effect speed. For example, one could say "next step every 2nd beat" or so. Possible other points could be faders, hold time for scenes etc, but I am not shure if that makes really sense. Maybe a display for the detected beat(s) would make sense as well.

Best regards,

MIDI Clock input to change chaser scenes

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:28 pm
by Massimo Callegari
Hi, yesterday I implemented the MIDI beat clock support.
It's online, if you compile from sources you can already give it a try.

Right now QLC+ detects 2 signals: MIDI clock start/stop and MIDI clock beat (one for each quarter)
I guess then you need to setup your chasers from those assumptions.

Who wants a pre-compiled DLL for Windows to do some beta test, just ask me.

MIDI Clock input to change chaser scenes

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:16 pm
by Ulf
Hi Massimo,

I have cloned the master branch and successfully compiled it under Ubuntu 12.04 i686. But I cannot find any Midi Clock/Beat options - maybe I did something wrong, perhaps you have a hint for me? Many thanks, Ulf

MIDI Clock input to change chaser scenes

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:13 am
by Massimo Callegari
I've updated the documentation too. Have you read it ?

MIDI Clock input to change chaser scenes

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:33 pm
by Ulf
Of course, I did not :)
It works so far, many thanks for implementing it!
If it is OK, i have some suggestions:
1) Cue lists should only react on inputs of next/prev. cue/crossfade if in their running mode, if they are stopped, they should not listen to e.g. MIDI beat clock or any other input (otherwise they are playing continously when external hardware delivers clock beat). So the user is able to select which cue list(s) is actual active.
2) Other EFX, Chasers etc. could be dependent on midi beat clock, they could be integrated nicely into cue lists and then be stepped according to the beat.
I suggest to enhance the duration widget of beats (or ervery x beats) in addition to time values dependent on a selectable input.
(see previous posting).

But these are only ideas, I do not know if they would work for other users.

Best regards,