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Tap button using keyboard shortcut

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:00 am
by Jed Nou
1) is there a possibility to introduce **keyboard shortcut for Tap** "Speed dial" button?

2) It would be also great to be able to set the **"Pre" delay time** in Speed dial control.
E.g. if I hit the button according to song tempo, it will start changing the scenes starting by "fade in" timer. But I'd like to have the behaviour when I'press the TAP the new scene is just started with no "fade in" delay, so the color change is right on the beat.
It could be eighter fixed value in ms or semi-automatic value using selected delay.
E.g.2. You can get inspiration in the settings in Hydrogen app (linux drum machine) where you can adjust the lag-time while pressing Play button..

Thanks in advance ;)

Tap button using keyboard shortcut

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 7:39 am
by Jed Nou
Does anybody have an idea how can i get the tap button working using keyboard?

Tap button using keyboard shortcut

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 1:47 pm
by lemonsource
Hi Jed Nou,

habe you found a solution for your problem? I'm also looking for this possibility but cannot find anything usable.
