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Idea for a new function: Live Tracking.
Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:00 am
by Cingulingu
I got an idea for a new function that can help to track an performer in live situation. It will be very nice, to have an function in which you can move multiple moving-heads with the XY-pad to track a single point on stage. I think, it can be done with a simple trigonometry (at least) on a pan channel for the fixtures that a mounted in a same plane (ramp). So the procedure will be, to point the selected fixtures on a single start point on the stage, which in term will give you the differential angle (a button to acquire it) and then a virtual channel on a xy-pad to control the init. value of the main fixture to move all the others L.S. in a group to track a single point in space on a stage.
P.S. Sorry for my bad ENG
Idea for a new function: Live Tracking.
Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:49 pm
by Cingulingu
Please Replay.... is someone interested?
Idea for a new function: Live Tracking.
Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 4:03 pm
by Massimo Callegari
Can you please explain how you suppose to have spatial tracking without any spatial information available in QLC+ ?
Idea for a new function: Live Tracking.
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:33 am
by Cingulingu
My idea is not to provide a true spatial tracking. More or less is just an X-control where the MH are mounted in the same plain (line) on a ramp. If we take just two fixtures (for easier explanation) and configure one as a controlled and the second as a slave, with the difference of angle acquired in the initial setup. That will give us an triangle which in term give us a virtual Z-axes. And the Y can be used as an elevation and/or distance calculation.
Excuse me for a ruff explanation. I arranged a discussion off that with a colleague which have a degree in mathematics, on that weekend. So I hope to be more clear next time.
Idea for a new function: Live Tracking.
Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 5:50 am
by Chris Laurie
mmm interesting. If I understand you correctly: You set the positions of a number of moving heads that will have them converge on one spot. Then by changing an XY controller (or 2 channels) all these heads are adjusted in at the same time. Except, each fixture's relevant XY adjustments are slightly different due to their relative distance from the "target".
A sort of pythagorean algorithm where the distance to the target is the long side of the triangle and X & Y are the short sides. At first glance, I'd say the problem is determining the relative distances of each moving head to the target.
I suppose one could extend the fixture definition in the workspace to include X Y Z placement parameters. Not sure whether there will be appetite for such a sophisticated and complex piece of code.
This made me wonder whether there are any fixtures that has a "follow me" function built in. What I am speculating is a fixture that has some sort of sensor and the "target" wearing a special reflector or radio signal (like the beacons aeroplanes use) which will then allow the fixture to home in on the target. The fixture then has a mode switch with a channel telling it which target signal to seek out. Sounds expensive...
Idea for a new function: Live Tracking.
Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:38 am
by Cingulingu
Actually yes. But for the final edition in the future. For now I will be very happy with the manual thing. Like an XY-pad + a slider for the Z. Which can be easily controlled with a simple game-pad.
Idea for a new function: Live Tracking.
Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:10 am
by OddSocks
If you are tracking some one on stage, I guess that there is minimal movement in the Z axis.