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Master Timer Problem

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 1:41 pm
by Chris Moses
My fixtures don't seem to like the Master Timer frequency set in the program. A queue seems to build up of DMX instructions causing the scanners to move very slowly from one step to the next. In the original QLC I was able to adjust the "MasterTimer" variable in the source code and re-build...

/** The timer tick frequency in Hertz */
const uint MasterTimer::s_frequency = 25;

...I found that 25Hz seemed to work OK with my fixtures. Obviously the new QLC+ is back to the default (which might be around 50Hz). Is there a way to change this without re-building the program?

Massimo did give me instructions to change the output frequency of the USB DMX interface, by editing the "net.sf.Q Light Controller Plus.plist" file (I'm using a Mac) and adding...

<string>25</string> the bottom, but this doesn't seem to do anything though, the fixtures are still responding slowly. Here is a screen shot of my output configuration... looks as though I have an "FT232R" interface made by FTDI. Would the above setting be correct for this device, as it's not an Entec?

Failing this I guess I'll have to re-build QLC+ too, with the new Master Timer setting.

Many thanks,

Master Timer Problem

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 5:36 pm
by de DJ Fabriek
I was searching the topics because i also have some flickering at 1 RGB controller. I can't find the file net.sf.Q Light Controller Plus.plist in the library?

Master Timer Problem

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:03 am
by Dawid Skalski

You can change QLC MasterTimer trough Windows Registry.
Simply - make a file: "QLC-tune.reg" containing:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\qlcplus\Q Light Controller Plus\enttecdmxusbopen]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\qlcplus\Q Light Controller Plus\mastertimer]

and put it into registry.

Value "dword:000000c8" means 200Hz, and it helped for me.
If you want 25Hz change it to "dword:00000019"

Hope this help :)

Master Timer Problem

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:58 am
by Jano Svitok
Here is the documentation and where to find the settings on each platform: [ ... asterTimer]( ... asterTimer)

The very same text is in the online help. ![](