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More functional Simple Desk

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 12:03 pm
by Weingibz
First of all, I'm also very thankful for this program. We started to test it in Philharmony in Poland and some small theaters. I still don't know how to build virtual console good for me, but I am working on it ;) What I would appreciate is litte more functional simple desk. Usually we don't have a time to program the lights so, we made a performances and some concerts "by hand". Maybe some of this ideas would be easy to establish:

On Simple Desk should be possible to select few bars to take them down/up at the same time. I thought it's like that with Alt key - then the bars become yellow - but I don't know what is for

I would appreciate additional bars like Fade and Speed. If I manually change a bar's levels of individual light or programmed playback it should be changed with speed (only for cues changes) and fade setted on Fade and Speed bars. It is normal function in controllers like Eurolite Scene Setter

When I light the theater's performance, I usually set some light scene, then program it on cue stack (playback) as different playback bars. If I have 25 light scenes, I need 25 bars in playback area. Would be nice if:
a/ I could choose how many bars appear, and if too much, I should scroll it
b/ Could write few words under each bar (ie. King Lear entrance)
c/ Have additional Change bar and button for changing the scene with Speed and Fade setted before - ie. on playback bar no 1 is blue light, on next scene I need red one and I need fast, but fluent change between this two. So i set Fade and Speed bars to small number and click Change button and it changes automatically or I scroll Change bar manually, then I decide manually about the speed. Now I think it's not possible - I have to program few cues as a light Scenes, individually program fade and speed (usually not have a time for that details).

What a reason not to set a scenes, fade, and speed before, and just automatically click for change between them? If something goes wrong (ie actors made mistake) and I need to go back 2-3 scenes after or before, thats a problem.

Also, usually we have so little time to set the lights that i'm programming the lights as follows in exaple:
Playback button 1 - Contra light
Playback button 2 - Front light
Playback button 3 - Effect light (ie. for part of scenography)
Playback button 4 - Red Color Light
...and during performance I manually choose what amount and when exact light comes in - sometimes I need select ie. contra and front light and change in the same time.

Thanks again for your work, I already tested a lot of programs, and for me, yours is the best now!

btw: 360 Internet Security has found Malware.QVM20.Gen in QLC+.exe apllication file