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How to use cues in the Simple Desk,
Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 9:07 am
by Edward.M
I’m trying to use the software in a simple way.
What I want is to create a scene/Cue in the simple desk and then record it with the Record button.
I think this works, a cue is placed in the playback list, when i press the flash butten the lights will light up. But when I want to play the CUE nothing happens.
I’m I doing something wrong? (I’m using Windows 7 and Windows 8) with an artnet connection to my USB to DMX dongle.
I’ll hope you have a suggestion for me.
Edward Matray
How to use cues in the Simple Desk,
Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 12:11 pm
by sebastian hartl
you are doing nothing wrong. if you download the v4.6 this feature works perfectly. somehow i believe the feature got bugged on the way to v4.7. i too wanted to use the playback faders, but i have found that the cue list is the by far better solution, once you are able to handle it well. it takes a little time to get used to it, but when you do, you are going to love it. i can post my personal workspace, if you like. i am implanting the programme this week in a theater and i come prepared
best regards
How to use cues in the Simple Desk,
Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 7:35 am
by Edward.M
Hi Sebastian,
Thanks for the tip. I've tried the older version and you're right the cue list is better.
I would like to see your project, can you send it?
The only thing I wonder is how do you alter the settings of a light when you are in a scene? When i change it en i go to the next scene the altered channels are not changed to the new scene settings.
How to use cues in the Simple Desk,
Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 8:08 am
by Massimo Callegari
Hi, another user spotted this and here's my answer: ... /18cc3bcc/
Can you please report here the procedure (step by step) that's working on 4.6.1 and not on 4.7.1 so I can fix it ? A simple project to reproduce the issue would help too.
How to use cues in the Simple Desk,
Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 11:00 am
by sebastian hartl
the project is an actual show that we are going to run on saturday with 72 fixtures. i programmed it as chaser and with a cue list. but it is a usable workspace to easily demonstrate this issue.
1. i change into the simple desk mode and manually fade channel 1 to 255. then i record this step into the first playback fader by pressing the record button.
2. the cue shows now in the cue stack of the first playback fader.
3. i cancel the running channel fader by pressing the x in the upper left corner, so the dmx values are not overwritten by the "programmer" as i would call it.
4. watching the monitor, when flashing the first playback fader, i can see the cue as the dmx value of channel one sets at 255.
5. pressing play in the cue stack itself, also triggers the very same cue, but the value of channel of does not change in the monitor.
6. switching to edit mode, the cue appears in the monitor again.
this problem first occured, to my knowledge, in v4.7, but worked fine before.
How to use cues in the Simple Desk,
Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 11:11 am
by sebastian hartl
i understand that the cue stack option is quite useful to some users, but i have found the cue list much more useful. as to edwards question, as i understand this must be a user triggered problem, as i have no problem altering a scene, when running an active cuelist. give it a try with my setup maybe. when this problem still occurs, send me a private message or post it again in this thread. i have worked with qlc+ 4.7.1 intensively for the last 2 weeks, and i can walk you through the process of altering cues step by step. it took me some time to find out myself, but the software has great advantages in altering cues.
1. since we are already discussing things, may i ask if there is a way to show only values above 0 in the monitoror highlight only "active" dmx channels?
2. viewing an ongoing fade between scenes in a chaser in a cuelist is very important to probably every theater technician when working on fade times. since this is practically the only feedback i have to give the director when programming fades in the finished show.
last, but not least, once again i would like to thank the developers for this software. i am working on implementing the programme in my theater, since we are looking for a new console and i would love to cancel that approach and would love to run all our show just by laptop and midi controllers and donate the difference to the cost of a console. at least thats the plan.
best regards,
How to use cues in the Simple Desk,
Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 11:12 am
by Massimo Callegari
Hi, last night I reproduced the issue and fixed it.
Will be available in version 4.7.2.